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Making a Will

Is it important to have a Will ?

Yes, it is important to have a Will so as to ensure that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes.

What happens if I don?t have a Will ?

If a person dies without a Will, in law we say that they are ?intestate? which simply means without a will. Click here for information on what happens on intestacy.

Do I need a Solicitor to draft a Will ?

The proper drafting of a Will is highly technical and requires a great deal of professional care and skill.

Our Wills and Estates team will assist you in making your Will and will advise you in relation to the matters you will need to consider including:

º  Choice of Executor(s)
º  Guardianship of children
º  Special circumstances such as family members with particular needs.
º  Establishment of testamentary trusts
º  Estate Planning issues
º  The impact of the Family Provision Act
º  Death Benefits payable under your Superannuation Policy
º  Life Insurance Policies

To instruct us to assist you in drafting your Will contact us.

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