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Appointment of Enduring Guardian

What is an Appointment of Enduring Guardian ?

It is a document by which you appoint someone to make personal or lifestyle decisions on your behalf but only when you are not capable of doing this for yourself.

You can appoint more than one person to act as your Enduring Guardians

An Appointment of Enduring Guardian does not allow a person to act on your behalf in relation to your property or financial affairs. To appoint someone to act in relation to your property or financial affairs you will need to sign a Power of Attorney.

What can I authorise my Enduring Guardian to do ?

You can choose the decisions that you want your Enduring Guardian to make on your behalf. These include:

º  Deciding where you live,
º  Deciding what health care you receive,
º  Decide what other kinds of personal services you receive,
º  Consent to medical and dental treatment on your behalf.

You can give your Enduring Guardian directions as to how you wish them to make these decisions on your behalf.

When does an Appointment of Enduring Guardian start ?

An Appointment of Enduring Guardian does not come into effect until you lose the capacity to make decisions in relation to health and lifestyle matters for yourself.

When does an Appointment of Enduring Guardian cease to have effect ?

Generally speaking, an Appointment of Enduring Guardian continues in effect until:

º  It is revoked by the person who signed it; or
º  Until the person who signed it dies.

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