Dezarnaulds Basten Solicitors Dezarnaulds Basten Solicitors - contacts
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French Advice

º  Property transactions in France, New Caledonia or other French-speaking countries.
º  Deceased Estates in France, New Caledonia or other French-speaking countries.
º  Other transactions or queries
º  Translations

Property transactions in France, New Caledonia or other French-speaking countries.

Are you contemplating buying a property in France or New Caledonia ?

We can assist you by:

º  Providing you with an outline of how a property transaction works in France.
º  Explaining to you the differences between property transactions in Australia and France.
º  Translating or summarising in English the content of French contracts and documents.
º  Providing written summaries in English of French documents if required.
º  Drafting correspondence to French lawyers and other authorities on your behalf.
º  Translating or summarising correspondence from French Lawyers and other authorities.

Other services are available through our extensive network of correspondents and contacts including:

º  Advice in relation to the Estate Planning implications of your purchase
º  Advice in relation to the taxation consequences of your purchase.
º  Advice in relation to property management.

Deceased Estates in France, New Caledonia or other French-speaking countries.

Are you the beneficiary of a deceased Estate where assets are situated in France or New Caledonia ?

We can assist you by:

º  Providing you with an outline of how deceased estates are administered in France or New Caledonia.
º  Explaining to you the differences between the Australian and French succession laws.
º  Translating or summarising in English any documents in French.
º  Drafting correspondence to French lawyers and other authorities on your behalf.
º  Translating or summarising correspondence from French Lawyers and other authorities.

Other services are available through our extensive network of correspondents and contacts.

Other transactions or queries

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries in relation to other transactions in France, New Caledonia or other French-speaking countries.

We are able to provide access to a wide range of services and assistance through our extensive network of correspondents and contacts in France and New Caledonia.


Should you require formal translation of any documents our specialised English ? French translation service is available to assist you
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